The Firm provides consultancy activities aimed at ensuring the compliance of the company with the applicable legislation in the following areas:
Protection of personal data pursuant to the GDPR and the applicable internal legislation with respect to which are provided:
- General legal assistance activities to Data Controllers and Data Processors aimed at ensuring the protection from personal data through a path of self-assessment and subsequent adjustment that allows to collect, maintain, process and protect data of data subjects in accordance with the law;
- Following the self-assessment, assistance to the company in the preparation of the relevant documentation (information, authorizations, appointments, policies, privacy impact assessments, etc.) and in the drafting of procedures and company guidelines (data access, remote working, use of electronic devices, etc.);
- Independent audits aimed at verifying the state of compliance in the field of data protection and suggesting measures with a view to gap analysis;
- Assistance during inspections of public audit bodies (such as privacy inspection department) or audits requested by contractual counterparties;
- Preparation of training plans of a general or specific nature in relation to the activity actually carried out by the undertaking;
- DPO (data protection officer) activity required by the GDPR;
- Consultancy activities on new technologies (for example NFT, Metaverse, blockchain, app, etc.).
Administrative liability of legal persons pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 in respect of which are provided:
- Legal assistance activities in the risk assessment and gap analysis phases necessary for the construction of Model 231;
- Assistance in the preparation of the General and Special Part of the Model, Ethic Code, in the Whistleblowing procedure and in the drafting of procedures and protocols to minimize the risk of verification of crimes listed in the catalogue 231;
- Activity of Body of Control’s member and updating of Model 231.
E-Sports in respect of which are provided:
- Legal assistance to investors (ad esempio per l’apertura di sale giochi);
- Protection of professional players and relevant teams;
- IP and commercial relationships with media.