Our firm

Adv. Francesco Chiarappa

Adv. Francesco Chiarappa

Adv. Francesco Chiarappa is enrolled with the Bar of Bari since 2010 and, before founding his own firm, he worked with the international law firms Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and Pavia and Ansaldo.

He has also worked in England as a legal counsel for a multinational gaming and betting company.
Over the years, Francesco has gained specific experience in assisting companies in corporate, commercial, contractual and compliance issues, with particular reference to the protection of personal data and the administrative responsibility of legal entities.
He graduated with honors from the University Luiss Guido Carli discussing a thesis on civil law on the topic of contractual balance.

Adv. Francesco Chiarappa

In 2015 he earned an Executive Master in Banking Litigation.
In 2016 he successfully participated in a Higher Training Course in Eurodesignaimed at acquiring skills useful to assist clients in finding and managing funds provided by the European Commission.
In 2018 he earned a Master in Wine Law focused on the management of the most relevant legal issues of the wine sector, from the discipline of vineyards, controls and technical protection of wine operators up to geographical indications and labels, including the protection of designations of origin and the responsibility of companies producing wine.
In 2019 he participated and completed the first Course of High Professional Specialization for Jurist of Agro-Food Chain organized by the School of Higher Agro-Food Training and the Bar Association of Bari and financed by “Cassa Forense”.

In 2021 he obtained a Master’s degree organized by Ipsoa Training School called “The Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 in business organization” aimed at the acquisition of the elements necessary to carry out a Risk Assessment and a Gap Analysis and for the correct definition of the Mapping of risk-sensitive activities in the context of applicable regulatory framework.

In 2021 he obtained a Master’s degree organized by Ipsoa Training School called “The Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 in business organization” aimed at the acquisition of the elements necessary to carry out a Risk Assessment and a Gap Analysis and for the correct definition of the Mapping of risk-sensitive activities in the context of applicable regulatory framework.

Mr. Chiarappa is also a member of Body of Control provided pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.

Chiarappa studio mainly operates in the following sectors:

Corporate and Commercial

with particular reference to company contracts (such as contracts for procurement, sale, supply, agency, joint venture, etc.) and company law, with specific focus on mergers, acquisitions and restructuring;

General Legal Assistance to Foreigner Clients

in respect of which, in view of its multidisciplinary approach and ability to communicate, negotiate and work fluently in English, is able to support subjects of foreign nationality in relation to the dealing of legal issues typical of the Italian legal system (for example, cross-border inheritances, separations and divorces, purchases of real estate, debts collections in Italy, tax issues, etc.).


with specific reference to data protection sector and administrative liability of legal entities pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001;

Lo studio Chiarappa opera principalmente nei seguenti settori:


con particolare riferimento alla contrattualistica di impresa (ad esempio contratti di appalto, vendita, fornitura, agenzia, joint venture, ecc.) e societario, con specifico focus sulle operazioni di fusione, acquisizione e ristrutturazione;

Assistenza a Clientela Straniera

rispetto alla quale, in considerazione del proprio approccio multidisciplinare e della capacità di comunicare, negoziare e lavorare fluentemente in lingua inglese, riesce ad affiancare soggetti di nazionalità straniera in relazione alla gestione delle numerose tematiche legali tipiche dell’ordinamento italiano (ad esempio eredità transnazionali, separazioni e divorzi, compravendite immobiliari, recuperi crediti in Italia, questioni fiscali, ecc.).


con specifico riferimento alla tematica della protezione dei dati personali ai sensi del GDPR e della normativa interna applicabile nonchè in relazione alla responsabilità amministrativa delle persone giuridiche ai sensi del lgs. 231/2001;

My Expertise Matters